En vit lögn. Typ.
Igår ringde en intervjuare om jobbet:
Intervjuare: I'll just have one question.
Jag: Okey...
Intervjuare: How did you find the questions for the computer test we gave you?
(Google, Google, Google, Google)
Jag(stolt ton): Eh... I'll guess I just know things. It's kind of like I was born to do this...you know!
Det här är, vad jag brukar kalla, en "vit lögn".
Intervjuare: I'll just have one question.
Jag: Okey...
Intervjuare: How did you find the questions for the computer test we gave you?
(Google, Google, Google, Google)
Jag(stolt ton): Eh... I'll guess I just know things. It's kind of like I was born to do this...you know!
Det här är, vad jag brukar kalla, en "vit lögn".